Here's How It Works:
You sign an agreement to retain the law firm of AttorneyBritt for a minimum of six (6) months. At the beginning of each month, you are required to pay a set fee, based upon an agreed monthly minimum number of hours (i.e., 8 to 32 hours per month. The higher the minimum hours you agree to pay the higher the discount to our normal hourly rates.). The minimum monthly hours are multiplied by your reduced hourly billing rate, and the result is your monthly minimum retainer fee, which you pay in advance on the 1st of each month.
As we do work on your behalf, we bill the hours worked, at your discounted hourly rate, against the retainer fees paid. Hours we work for you in excess of the retainer fees paid will be billed to you monthly, also at your reduced hourly rate.
Hours paid for by your monthly retainer fee, but not used during that month, rollover to the next month.
Unused minimum hours expire if still unused after becoming more than 3 months old.
For more information about this special "Outside In-house Counsel Agreement" and to learn the hourly rates for which your business will qualify, please contact AttorneyBritt now!!
The number of participants in the "Outside In-house Counsel" program are limited, so contact us immediately at (512) 481-2886
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